
To use Lavapy, you need to have Lavalink 3.3 or higher (preferably 3.4 since you won’t be able to access some features without it). For details on how to install and start it, see How do I run Lavalink.jar?.

Basic Bot Example#

Lavapy is designed to work with discord.py 1.7.3 and up. Previous versions may work, however, problems will not be fixed due to those versions being deprecated.

Here is an example for a starting bot which will play a Youtube track using a search query in a discord voice channel:

from discord.ext import commands
import lavapy

bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix="!")

async def initialiseNodes():
    Wait until the bot is ready then create a Lavapy node
    await bot.wait_until_ready()

    await lavapy.NodePool.createNode(client=bot,

async def play(ctx: commands.Context, *query) -> None:
    Play a Youtube song from a given search query.

    If the bot is not connected, connect it to the user's voice channel. For this
    to work, the user must be connected to a voice channel
    if not ctx.voice_client:
        # Bot is not connected to a voice channel
            player: lavapy.Player = await ctx.author.voice.channel.connect(cls=lavapy.Player)
        except AttributeError:
            # User is not connected to a voice channel
            await ctx.channel.send("You must be connected to a voice channel")
        # Bot is connected to a voice channel
        player: lavapy.Player = ctx.voice_client

    # Get tracks based on the given search query
    track = await lavapy.YoutubeTrack.search(" ".join(query), player.node)
    await player.play(track)


Spotify Bot Example#

Lavapy also supports querying for Spotify tracks, playlists, and albums. Here is a basic example which will play a Spotify track using a Spotify link in a discord voice channel:

from discord.ext import commands
import lavapy
from lavapy.ext import spotify

bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix="!")

async def initialiseNodes():
    Wait until the bot is ready then create a Lavapy node
    await bot.wait_until_ready()

    await lavapy.NodePool.createNode(client=bot,
                                     spotifyClient=spotify.SpotifyClient("client ID", "client secret"))

async def play(ctx: commands.Context, query) -> None:
    Play a Spotify song from a given URL.

    If the bot is not connected, connect it to the user's voice channel. For this
    to work, the user must be connected to a voice channel
    if not ctx.voice_client:
        # Bot is not connected to a voice channel
            player: lavapy.Player = await ctx.author.voice.channel.connect(cls=lavapy.Player)
        except AttributeError:
            # User is not connected to a voice channel
            await ctx.channel.send("You must be connected to a voice channel")
        # Bot is connected to a voice channel
        player: lavapy.Player = ctx.voice_client

    # Get tracks based on the given URL
    track = await spotify.SpotifyTrack.search(query, player.node)
    await player.play(track)
